Well it turns out that the way LeBron taunted his ex-teammates and fans after the embarassing loss by the Cavs to the Lakers on Tuesday didn't sit well with Iron Chef Michael Symon. He of the maniacal giggle, mad knife skills, and love of pork, golf, and all things Cleveland.
Symon fired off an open letter to LeBron James via his Facebook page on Wednesday evening, and I think it pretty much sums up what all Clevelanders think of our ex-favorite Cavalier now. He's nothing but a spoiled brat.
Dear Lebron
I have defended you leaving in the past. Even though I never agreed with how you handled it I still tried to understand your decision and always understood it was business..but the karma comment just burns my ass. Regardless of if you feel Mr. Gilbert did you wrong, you need to realize that a comment like that is a smack in the face to the city of Cleveland. You may be the greatest basketball player in the world but it is quite obvious you have alot of growing up to do and that money and mad skills dont give you class. Watch out for the karma..it may bite you in your ass!!
Michael Symon