Over at Fox Sports Ohio, a good interview with the Cleveland Indians Mark Shapiro was posted yesterday by Pat McManamon.
It's the first long interview I can remember Shapiro giving in a long time that touches on a lot of the topics fans want to know about.
One of the more interesting unsettling quotes...
On the belief from us fans that if more people show up to games, more money will be spent:
"I think more people will come. But the challenge is 2.2 million instead of 1.6 million doesn't change the way we operate. Even that extra 500,000, 600,000 people, even if that's $10-to-15 more million in revenue a year . . . one win in free agency is $9 million. So you're not going to change the context. Again, I don't think people want to intellectualize baseball, and I don't believe you should have to intellectualize baseball . . . and we've made a conscious decision in most of our interviews not to get into these topics and just stay positive and talk about what our aspirations are.
But that revenue swing between 1.5 million in attendance and 2.2 million in attendance . . . meaningful dollars but not dollars that will have us plan dramatically different."
You can read the full interview here.