Saturday, September 1, 2007


Jason Lloyd points out in the News-Herald that the first four Buckeyes opponents' names basically spell out what we all will be doing. Youngstown State, Akron, Washington, Northwestern. Also an interesting quote from Mrs. Quinn himself, A.J. Hawk: "This is Ohio State. We don't play I-AA schools."

One more thing about Ohio State. Ex-prez Karen Holbrooke has drawn some almost defensive critisism from OSU people for her comments:

“When you win a game, you riot. When you lose a game, you riot. When spring comes, you riot. African-American Heritage Festival weekend, you riot,” Holbrook said on the tape.

“They think it’s fun to flip cars, to really have absolute drunken orgies. … I don’t want to be at a place that has this kind of culture as a norm.”

I've seen responses like "it happens everywhere" or "it's not that bad". When I was there, I saw some ugly behavior, but nothing was a more disconcerting feeling to me than the pre-game OSU-Michigan in 2002. I could feel the passion, but in a negative way, like maybe, just maybe, a Michigan fan was going to get murdered that day. Nobody got murdered, but I wasn't suprised to hear that blocks away from where I was, the normal "rioting" and turning over of cars was going on. I still don't understand why some jackasses feel the need to launch a bottle or light up a La-Z-Boy if their team wins. Or loses.