Buckeyes 41, Ducks 24
The last six weeks have been unreal for Cardale Jones and Buckeye Nation, and nobody can deny that Ohio State belongs here after dismantling Alabama last week. After that Virginia Tech debacle, I felt that we would be lucky to see six Ohio State wins this year. Now, they are operating on all cylinders a year ahead of pace, and I hope that continues tonight.
Urban brings the title with a third-string quarterback. Who thought this a month-and-a-half ago? No one.
Buckeyes 38, Ducks 31
Ohio State surprised the football world (and me) by punching big, bad Alabama in the mouth. The Ducks are an offensive powerhouse and a near touchdown favorite in tonight's championship tilt, but the Buckeyes have a Team of Destiny feeling about them, third-string QB be damned.
Buckeyes 40, Ducks 31
12-Gauge writes the most unthinkable story in Buckeye history.
Buckeyes 52, Ducks 45
There's always been an underlying feeling that Urban, unfailingly tightly-wound and testy, is not long for Columbus. His next move, of course, is Sunday Football. He'll either singlehandedly transform the Cleveland Browns into a dynasty or fall on his face and be forever humbled by the NFL. Either way, the result will be satisfying.
There's always been an underlying feeling that Urban, unfailingly tightly-wound and testy, is not long for Columbus. His next move, of course, is Sunday Football. He'll either singlehandedly transform the Cleveland Browns into a dynasty or fall on his face and be forever humbled by the NFL. Either way, the result will be satisfying.
Buckeyes 35, Ducks 31
Urban Meyer is the difference in this one.

Buckeyes 35, Ducks 30
Urban secures his place as the nation's best coach. I didn't think he could top the undefeated sanctioned season, but his coaching job this season has been unfathomable.