Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jason Whitlock again eviscerates LeBron

Starting with "I give up", and then bestowing a nickname I'd never heard LeBron called before.

So I give up. I'm just going to accept his immaturity and stubbornness and bullying. He's an immense talent I'll never fully enjoy or appreciate. I'll tune in Thursday night and root for the Cavaliers.
James is a lost cause. He'll never man up and apologize. His bank account says he doesn't have to. His friends say he shouldn't. His coworkers and peers, besides Spoelstra, are too fearful to tell James what they really think. He's a bully. Team LeBron's next media leak could be about how Chris Bosh needs to be traded or Dwyane Wade must shoot less.


King Blames can't hear us. Not any of us who ask him to rule the basketball world with grace, class, fairness and eye toward greatness. We don't need him. And he doesn't need us.
I give up.